World-class startup ecosystems choose Ramen Life

Microsoft Logo
Orlando economic partnership logo
NSW Government Logo
University of Sydney Logo
Bullhorn icon

Showcase your business community

It's hard to believe what you can't see.  Show the world the vibrancy of your startup, tech or business community.

Rocket icon

Support innovation & tech

Allow information, opportunities and connections to flow seamlessly across your community.

User profile icon

Share resources, events, jobs & news

Create equal access to opportunities and networks for all entrepreneurs, no matter their background or affiliations.

Centralised resource hub

Make knowledge-sharing simple with the resources hub. Keep your community informed and engaged.

Your knowledge hub

Effortlessly share resources within a centralised hub. Provide your members with convenient access to curated resources.

Intuitive resource discovery

Keep your resources organised with our adaptable resources hub ensuring navigation is a delight for your members.

Member benefits and discounts

Showcase discounts and tools relevant to your members' interests and needs.

List of resource categories and topics beside cards showing tools with discounts
Custom directory search page listings

Build your own directories

Create custom directories that showcase anything from cafes to  research projects.

Create your own directory pages

Craft your own directory pages to showcase organisations, projects or resources.

Custom fields & filters

Manage the information to be captured and shown in each directory. Add search filters to simplify the discovery process.

Easy navigation

Beautiful design, customizable pages and tailored search options ensures seamless navigation of your directories.

Engagement made effortless

Keep your community informed, and connected with features designed for ease of engagement and maximum reach.

AI-powered social sharing

Quickly craft compelling social media content with our AI assistant.

Automated email summaries

Keep your members in the loop with automated bi-weekly email digests.

Attention-grabbing announcements

Use vibrant text banners to put the spotlight on important community announcements.

Ai powered social media post, banner announcement and tagging users in posts
Custom member profile fields and settings

Custom member profiles

Every community is unique, and so should the member profiles that power them.

Custom profile pages

Create unique member profiles that captures the data that is relevant for you and your community.

Search filters

Empower members to easily find and connect with the most relevant contacts through customizable search filters.

Curated serendipity

Streamline networking with relevant profiles making connections with like-minded peers a breeze.

Your brand, your community

Launch your own white-labeled community platform, creating a branded digital hub for your members.

Use your domain

Seamlessly integrate your community and brand using your own domain or subdomain.

Complete brand integration

Tailor the community to reflect your brand. Customise your logo, colours and images.

Branded emails

Configure platform notification emails to come from your email to build recognition and trust.

Browser bar showing customised domain name. Images of custom branded versions of the Ramen Life community platform.
Event feed with a list of events and a button to submit an event

Events list

Create a central, community-wide list of events. Use integrations & quick add to enable all stakeholders to share content with ease.

Save time with AI

Add events in seconds with AI assisted auto-complete functionality. Adding a new event in as little as 5 seconds.

Always up-to-date

Keep your events list relevant up-to-date effortlessly with an event feed that automatically updates.

Community curation

Activate community curation to enable all stakeholders to share content directly with the community.

Unlock your business & innovation community's potential

A powerful, modern, purpose-built platform to help your startup ecosystem thrive

Flexible community configuration

Setup your community your way

Public or private

Boost visibility with a public community open to all or keep things exclusive with a private community just for your members.

Select your features

Activate only the features that align with your objectives. Gain control over the member experience.

Enhanced SEO control

Take charge of your community's search rankings. Optimise SEO by crafting unique page titles and descriptions.

Everything you need to build a thriving business community in your region

Activate the platform features you need to best support your business community

Directory icon

Company directory

Showcase your regions' businesses with detailed profiles

Member directory icon

Member directory

Detailed member profiles that make connection a breeze

Calendar icon


Keep your community up-to-date on all upcoming events

Checklist icon


List competitions, accelerators & grants in one spot

Newspaper icon


Easily create & share the latest news with your community

Comments icon


Create channels & groups to engage your community

Briefcase icon

Job board

Share the best jobs from across your community

Books icon


Organise & share the best resources with your members

Mentor discussion icon


Effortless setup and manage mentoring programs at scale

Support service building icon

Support services

Breakdown silos & invite other support organisations to join

Chat message icon

Chat messages

Send quick & seamless chat messages to other members

+ much more

Take your business community from this ....

Siloed business community groups

to this.

Interconnected business community
Arrow pointing from disconnected groups to interconnected network

Provide world-class business support

Help your business owners & entrepreneurs easily find the best events, programs, resources, tools & networks to accelerate their success.

Breakdown silos, boost engagement and create new connections.

Community member profile pictures

Join a global network

These world-class cities choose Ramen Life to power their innovation & tech ecosystem platform

See the platform in action ->




United States

Los Angeles

United States


United States


United States



Traverse City

United States
+ more
Brand icon

Your branding

Every community is unique. Customise your community to your brand, colours & domain.

All in one platform icon


We live & breathe entrepreneurial ecosystems. Get everything you need to grow a world-class ecosystem.

Launch fast icon

Modern & powerful

We value great design & ease of use. Our platforms are mobile-responsive, fast and beautiful.

Ready to get started?

Start your free 30 day trial. No credit card required.

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